clearly identify the organizational structure of "The Fish I Didn't Catch." then in a well-developed paragraph explain how this organizational pattern develops the aurthor's point of view. Use at least two pieces of textual evidence to support your claim.

PLEASE HELP if you you can't tell me the anwser can you at least explain what this means I don't understand a word from this and i really got to get this done

Respuesta :

For the answer to the question above, the commercial team was divided into two departments which are purchasing and sales.
This traditional back office and front office split are common among traditional companies. He referred to it as the left hand who was selling the fish didn't know what the right hand was catching and it results in operational suffering. The sales department would sell fish that Caladero didn't catch or would fail to sell the catch. The result was disappointed customers, unsold fish, and error in orders.

The Fish I didn't catch had an important moral, " Never brag of your fish before you catch him" meaning we shouldn't boast about somthing that is undone, for example, say someone is sure that he is will get this good job, but not yet. He tells everyone about it and everyone was happy for him, some even envy him even tho he didn't get it yet. But then later on he realised someone had a better interview then him and he didn't end up with the job. Now the effect of this is that people went from envying him to pitting him instead, and it wouldn't have happended if he didn't tell everyone about the job. I know you probably already took the test but i mean... y'know.. for other people who looks at this :)