"With power lines down in Haiti, people were cut off from the news for days after the storm struck on Tuesday - and had yet to hear that a presidential election due
to take place this weekend had been postponed. Virtually all of Jeremie's corrugated-iron homes have been destroyed, with only a few concrete buildings left
standing. "It was as if someone had a remote control and just kept turning the wind up higher and higher," Carmine Luc, a 22-year-old woman, told AFP news
agency. "When the roof of my house blew off, I clung to a wall with my left hand, and with my right I held on with all my strength to my three-year-old child - who
was screaming." Brown mud from overflowing rivers covered the ground causing flooding and mudslides."
The above quote describes which type of natural disaster?
O Tornado
O Tsunami
O Earthquake