I grew up wondering if God was real but was unsure. I used to look out the window of my childhood home and was curious if God was a real being while glancing out at the clouds in the sky. Growing up one time I was on a pier by the beach in California watching the waves come slightly splashing up against the side of the pier for about 15 to 20 minutes or so. Looking out accross the Ocean and natures scenery I was again sparked by curiousity concerning the reality of God being real. By inspiration I decided to speak to God and I said, "God......., If your real, cause a big wave to come and hit this pier right now." To my utter and complete amazment the hugest wave came crashing against the pier right as I got done with my statment to God. The wave crashed over the pier and over my head completely drenching me causing me to become soaking wet. I was exilerated and in awe and in an instant I knew my life had purpose knowing beyond a shadow of a doubt that God is completely real and real personally to me. From that moment on since then I have always known my life has meaning, and that specifically because the God of the Universe is completely real, and personally lovingly real to me.