After reading the sentence carefully, we can identify the problem in it as being the following among the answer choices:
C. Shift in point of view.
- A shift in point of view occurs when we tell something from two different perspectives.
- For example, take a look at the sentence below:
"I visited the museum because you can always relax at an art exhibition."
- Although the sentence is not too confusing, it begins with one point of view, "I", and changes to another, "you".
- That is what happens in the sentence we are analyzing here.
- Who goes to a baseball game? The audience. But all of a sudden, the speaker is talking about the players.
- Of course, the players will be there. But they are not "going" to the game, they are playing it.
- Thus, there was shift from one perspective, "the audience", to another, "the players".
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