The method applied in text 1 is the definition, the method applied in text 2 is the explanation, and the method applied in text 3 is the clarification.
A concept can be explained through three methods:
- Definition: It implies giving a direct definition, using words such as "is" or "are". For example "Mars is a planet"
- Explanation: It implies providing details to explain what something is about. For example "The Odyssey is about a hero..".
- Clarification: It implies explaining a concept by going from a general abstract idea to specific details.
Based on the above, we can conclude:
- Text 1 uses the definition method, this is shown in the sentence "the internet is a global system".
- Text 2 uses the explanation method as it says "The Rural Maid is about".
- Text 3 uses clarification because it explains the word "noise" by giving first an abstract idea and then being more specific through examples.
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