Which part of the sentence describes the inequality sign?

The phrase is at most means ≤.

Think About ItWhy does the phrase is at most mean you should use the ≤ sign?

Suppose you were allowed to watch at most 20 minutes of television. That would mean that you could watch less than 20 minutes of television or exactly 20 minutes of television. You could not watch more than 20 minutes of television. Therefore, the amount of time you could spend watching television would have to be less than or equal to 20 minutes. The phrase at most means less than or equal to.

Respuesta :


To answer the first question, "That would mean that you could watch less than 20 minutes of television or exactly 20 minutes of television."

For the second question, because of the line it means it can be equal to this is a less than symbol which means you can either have the most which is 20 or less than. Here is a visual 14 ≤ 20. This means you watched 6 minutes less than the max of 20. If you replace the 14 with a 20 you are at the max which is allowed because of the line underneath the less than symbol, if you replaced the 14 with 21 the equation is now invalid because it is no longer equal or less than.


20>=x or x<=20

Step-by-step explanation:

at most is always less than or equal to a number if u put the variable first and i just put at as an example it can be any letter