
1. The list of photographers who have contributed to the development of photography is long and diverse. Select at least two photographers that you feel made essential contributions to the field. Describe these contributions and analyze how photography might be different today without these people.

2. Nowadays, many people regard photography as an art form, but it is also an invention. Explain and evaluate photography as an invention rather than an art form exploring things such as how it was invented, when, what was involved, who was involved, and anything else that pertains to the creation of photography.

4.How have the uses of photography changed over the years? Compare and contrast the historical uses of photography with the ways that it is used today. What era in photography would you have liked to live in as a photographer? Explain.

5. You are putting together a photography project with the theme ‘Photography as an Art Form.” You are expected to select a series of photos to display and to write a statement that explains and further explores this theme. What kinds of images would you put together? What would you include in your statement? Explain and evaluate how you would express photography as an art form through both a collection of images and a written statement.