Match the correct definition to the correct word(s).
Document produced by the
English Parliament
following the Glorious
Revolution. It limited the
powers of the king and
queen and granted rights to
English citizens.
Taxes passed by Charles
Townsend, in 1769. This
taxed glass, china, lead,
paint, paper, and tea being
Involved the overthrow of
King James Il due to
political and religious
concerns. the new
monarchs. William and
Mary agreed to more power
for the parliament and to an
English Bill of Rights
Colonists disguised as
Native Americans
destroyed 342 chests of tea
due to a tax that had been
placed on them without the
A tax, in the form of an
embossed revenue stamp,
that had to be purchased
for every piece of printed
paper used by the colonists.
Signed by King John in
1215, is the first example of
limits placed on a monarch
Done in 1769 as a means of
restoring order on the
16,000. This would lead to
increased tensions and
eventually the killing of
colonial citizens.
Consisting of Freemen,
ecclesiastical leaders, and
the King's advisors, was
called into session to
discuss contentious issues
or to levy taxes. Eventually
grew in the Parliament.
1.Magna Carta
2.Great Council
3.Glorious Revolution of 1688
4.English Bill of Rights
5.Townsend Duties
6.Stamp Act