Although circumcision continues to be a controversial procedure, many parents in the United States elect to have this surgery performed on their newborn sons. It is believed that newborns do not feel pain; therefore this is the optimum time for the procedure to be done and no anesthesia is required. Is this statement true or false?

Respuesta :


Newborns do feel pain, but they seem to get through the procedure easier than older children do. In newborns, we numb the penis with local anesthetic which makes the answer to your question FALSE. After local anesthetic we perform the procedure in the hospital nursery while the baby is awake. We use a clamp technique, which does have a small risk of bleeding.

Circumcision reduces the bacteria that can live under the foreskin. This includes bacteria that can cause urinary tract infections or, in adults, STDs that may protect against "microtears" during sex that can provide a point of entry for germs.Circumcised infants appear to have less risk of urinary tract infections than uncircumcised infants during the first year of life. Many more complications come into play the older the male is having a circumcision both  psychologically and physically.


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-Miss Hawaii