
9.make a claim about why water is important in cells summarize evidence to support the claim and explain your reasoning

please help me D;

Respuesta :


I'll help. Not sure how long you would like this to be or anything, so i'll write one paragraph. Make sure to paraphrase so you don't get in trouble :)


Water is essential to cells, along with everything else in our bodies. Water helps the body remove waste, bring in nutrients, and transport oxygen throughout the body. If the body lost its water, the cells wouldn't be able to perform or move oxygen, resulting in death quickly following. The average human can go up to 7 days without water, though longer than 7 days can make the risk of death skyrocket everyday without water intake. This happens because the body looses water from the blood first, and as a result, the transportation of oxygen throughout the body starts to slow down; which can lead to some organs shutting down. This can start at as small an amount as 9-12% of water loss. Water helps break down waste and nutrients in the cell, and without it, the cells would not be able to function properly; resulting in every part of the body shutting/slowing down one by one.

Hope this is good enough. Here's my source: