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Answer: Yes. Poor action doesn’t get you the result, it just confirms your negative stories. Sometimes we are afraid of trying too hard because if we truly gave our best in a situation and it still didn’t work out, then our inner critic will tell us our best is not good enough. But what if you take bold action and it doesn’t work out, doesn’t that confirm your negative stories as well? You don’t need to believe that you will never get rejected. To take bold action you don’t need to believe that you will never fail, you just need to believe that you will eventually succeed. Everyone who takes bold action fails repeatedly. There aren’t some people who are successful and some people who are failures, there are just people who are willing to fail for the result, and people who aren’t. Bold action is attractive. Bold action displays certainty and confidence. It says “I have a right to pursue my desires. I have a right to express myself fully.
Yes, people are benefited with success by taking bold actions. When you take a bold action or risk you are considered brave for standing up for what you believe in or doing the right thing.