Respuesta :
yudr 2nd floor and decor and decor and I have to khow about English and decor is nuryslam is nuryslam you Iive it's just the one that has been sitting and watching movies
Answer: The apostle Paul discusses the subject of “holy living” in Romans chapters six, seven and eight. In chapter six he addresses the believer’s relationship to sin; though he is no longer a slave to sin because of the work of Christ’s on the cross, neither is he free to just go on sinning as he pleases. In chapter 7 he makes the case that living a holy life does not come by keeping the law; because the law does not provide the power that is necessary to overcome the believer’s sin disposition. And in chapter 8 Paul stresses the importance of the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit in the life of the believer; it is only by the power of the Holy Spirit whereby the believer can overcome his sin disposition and live a life of holiness. In this critical chapter of Scripture, Paul describes seven key ministries of the Holy Spirit in the life of the believer —
Walk according to the Spirit (8:2-4).
Set your mind on the things of the Spirit (8:5-8).
Put to death the deeds of the body by the Spirit (8:13).
Be led by the Spirit (8:14).
Know the Fatherhood of God by the Spirit (8:15-17).
Hope in the Spirit (8:23-25).
Pray in the Spirit (8:26-27). In other passages Paul mentions —
Be filled with the Spirit (Eph 5:18).
Serve in the Spirit (Rom 7:6; 15:16).
Love by the Spirit (Rom 15:30; Gal 5:22-23; Col 1:8).