5. When deciding whether to use competition as a means of motivating people, it is important to consider that
(A) the most effective kind of competition is competition between groups.
(B) competition can promote feelings of hostility.
(C) competition is useful for reaching any goals we may have.
9. As a result of his experiments, LP. Pavlov discovered that once we have learned a particular response to a stimulus,
(A) we cannot learn to respond in the same way to a different stimulus.
(B) we can learn to respond in the same way to a different stimulus.
(C) we quickly lose interest in the stimulus.
10. As a result of the experiments conducted by B.F. Skinner and others, psychologists learned tha teachers could encourage behavior such as throwing waste paper in a trash basket
(A) by responding positively to students when they throw waste paper in the trash basket.
(B) by telling students how important it is to throw their waste paper in the trash basket.
(C) by not making a big deal out of using the trash basket.