Giving Brainliest! What is your opinion about Islamophobes and/or Islamophobia? Do you think that this 'fear of muslims' is justified? I just wanna hear your opinions, no copied answers and no spam! ​

Respuesta :


This is a critical reflection on the life experiences of a group of Muslims who live in Quito and congregate in the Sunni Assalam mosque, due to their religious affiliation fueled by the escalation of terrorist violence in the Middle East that has exacerbated a discourse Islamophobic world. The attacks against Western citizens became horrifying media shows, the one perpetrated on the French weekly Charlie Hebdo being emblematic. The event shocked the whole world, who expressed solidarity under the hashtag #JeSuisCharlie (#YoSoyCharlie). However, what catches my attention is the emergence of parallel speeches such as #KillAllMuslimso #BlametheMuslimGame, which also became a trending topic, setting off alarms against racism and xenophobia. This was not only experienced internationally, but Ecuador had its local version with countless opinion headlines and press editorials that, instead of critically reflecting on events, joined a hackneyed orientalist discourse, which far from refining the debate on terrorism, reproduced stereotypes and generalities about Islam, reducing it to a dangerous space of Islamophobia. The members of the Assalam mosque, face a stigmatized representation of their religious identity that begins to materialize in concrete acts of discrimination. For this reason, through personal and collective strategies, they try to reverse the Islamophobic imaginary through positive images of Islam and the consolidation of an Ecuadorian-Muslim ethnic discourse that vindicates their membership as citizens, with full rights in a secular society and challenges the imaginary of the fight against terrorism.


give me crown please

Universidad de Mexico