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Asado (Spanish: [aˈsaðo]) are the techniques and the social event of having or attending a barbecue in various South American countries, where it is also a traditional event. An asado usually consists of beef, pork, chicken, chorizo, and morcilla which are cooked on a grill, called a parrilla, or an open fire.

Additionally, what is the difference between a barbecue from the United States and an asado Brainly? 1. An American barbeque includes stake and beef that only takes a small amounts of time to grill or cook over a grill that has charcoal I. it, while an asado takes at the least 4 hours to cook, and the meat cooks over a gas fire in the grill.

Also question is, where does Asado come from?


What cut is asado?

Asado is the name for BBQ in Argentina but it also refers to the large section of the rib cage that produces the finger-lickin' tasty morsels of short or spare ribs. You want them a bit crispy on the outside to contrast with the tender meat inside.



The difference between a barbecue in the United States and a asado in Spanish-speaking countries is that in the American barbecue, the meat is freshly roasted on a charcoal grill.

As for asado from Spanish-speaking countries, the meat is cooked for a long time, an average of 4 hours on a gas stove.

In asado, the meat is chosen and cooked in higher cuts, on grills that can be tilted up to 30 degrees so that the fat drains into the collector.

A good asado is one that roasts the meat slowly to concentrate its necessary flavors, juices and tenderness.

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