Respuesta :
Answer: no love is that a book?
the main characters are brother who is unnamed, and his sister - Irene
the setting is brother and sister living together in their ancestral home
Irene's hobby?? is knitting
What type of books would the man look for when he went to the marketplace? it was French literature
In which city did the story take place?
How do Irene and the narrator occupy their time? Irene knits and the narrator reads literature
What decision do Irene and the narrator make when they realize the back part of the house has been taken over? They decide to isolate themselves from where the house hasn't been taken over.
What happens to the brother and sister at the end of the story? They leave their house
What is the source of the sibling's income? they own a farm
What is the source of the sibling's income?
they own a farm
Briefly describe the house in which the narrator and his sister live: old and spacious.
A brother and sister have faced difficulties like: Briefly describe the house in which the narrator and his sister live.
old and spacious.
A brother and sister have faced difficulties like: the brother who lost his fiancée long ago, and the sister (Irene) having denied many suitors who sought her hand in marriage
A brother and sister have faced difficulties like:
the brother who lost his fiancée long ago, and the sister (Irene) having denied many suitors who sought her hand in marriage.
What was the source of the noises in the house? A brother and sister have faced difficulties like:
the brother who lost his fiancée long ago, and the sister (Irene) having denied many suitors who sought her hand in marriage.
What was the source of the noises in the house? the source is never revealed
One day the narrator hears something inside another part of the house, what do the the siblings do? escape to a smaller section, locked behind a solid oak door.
The siblings refuse to go in the parts of the house where the noises originate from - what do they do with their belongings or possessions
abandon them in parts of the house taken over by 'them.'
The story included many realistic elements including the two main characters, and ??
cleaning, knitting, reading, and cooking.