
With underage drinking, it is often easier to help youth before they get into the habit of engaging in these behaviors. Imagine you had a friend who was thinking about drinking alcohol. With this in mind, answer the following questions.

What would you say to make sure your friend completely understood the consequences involved?
What are the short- and long-term consequences?
What are the physical and social consequences?
Teacher note (please read text above first):

Note: Think about the difference between long-term effects and physical effects including consequences of underage drinking. I recommend looking back at workbooks 11.1-11.3 in lesson 11if needed.

Feel free to use sentence starters below to get you started:

Response to question 1 (review “Alcohol in Teenage Years” paragraph in workbook 11.1): I would help my friend understand the consequences of drinking alcohol by explaining how alcohol can _____________________ and is dangerous because _________________. I would tell my friend to consider not drinking because ________________, __________________, _______________.

Response to question 2 (review workbook 11.1): Some short-term consequences of drinking alcohol would be ________________, ____________________, because ________________. Long-term consequences of drinking alcohol are ___________________, ___________________________, because _________________________.

Response to question 3 (review “Negative Social and Health Effects” in workbook 11.2): A physical consequence of drinking alcohol would be ____________________, because_________________________. A social consequence of drinking is ___________________________ because _________________________________.