Respuesta :
I would also agree with 4.A CIA appointee headed the new dictatorship.
A CIA appointee headed the new dictatorship in the era immediately following the coup that overthrew Jacobo Árbenz in 1954.
Further Explanation:-
The Guatemala coup was a covert operation that was carried out by the Central Intelligence Agency of United States. This operation by CIA deposed the President who was democratically elected as Guatemala President, Jacobo Árbenz and also was behind the end of the Guatemalan revolution. The revolution in Guatemala started in year 1944 after a popular upspring toppled the military dictatorship of Jorge Ubico. Juan Arevalo was elected the president of Guatemala in the first democratic election of the country. He was the one who introduced a minimum wage and turned Guatemala into Democracy. He was succeeded by Jacobo Árbenz in the year 1951. Jacobo Árbenz instituted land reforms and because of those land reforms, he granted property to the landless peasants. The revolution of Guatemala was not liked by the United States government as it was already predisposed during the cold war and because of this disliking; President of United States Harry Truman gave green signal to operation PBFORTUNE in order to bring down the government of Jacobo Árbenz. But this operation was quickly closed down as a precursor of PBSUCCESS.
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Answer details;
Grade – High School
Subject – History
Chapter – Guatemala Coup
Keywords –Guatemala, United States, Harry Truman, CIA, Democracy, Jacobo Árbenz, Peasants, Jorge Ubico, Succeeded.