Courage, it is an emotion but it is also an act. To some people it is easy for them to have courage while others struggle to bring it forth. Not everyone is constantly courageous but people sometimes have sparks of it that change lives. The amount of people that displayed courage in The Kite Runner is quite astounding. Any normal person would probably have turn tail and run at the idea of half of the events in the story.
When people think of courage, they think of courageous people such as firefighters, soldiers, and many more people. When they think of courage they also think of courageous acts such as saving a baby from a burning fire, Courage is the second characteristics that represent Atticus. He behavior through the novel demonstrated that he is a courage man also he teaches his children what courage means through another people’s behavior.Courage is generally defined as showing bravery in the midst of chaos, essentially being the hero. However courage is not all about the glamour and attention one gets from their suppose it brave actions. Courage is an element that all individuals struggle to act upon; and to act upon in the correct manner within oneself. The act of courage within oneself branches off in two directions.