In reading "A Rose for Emily" by William Falkner, her father came to my mind immediately. According to the text, there appears to be a dominance of Emily's father over her. Eventually, it leads her to be consistently reliant on men throughout her life. My question becomes, is this not a situation in real life? Emily's circumstances growing up as a child had a profound effect on her. For example, she decides to embrace the standard gender norms, which teaches her to rely on a man's inhabitance. Today, some women depend on a man for everything. They have no voice. In addition, the story highlighted following your gender roles. Even today, there are jobs that some men feel are off-limits to women.
In conclusion, it was Emily's father who shaped her character and dependency on a man. Rather than guiding his daughter to be dependent, he chose to be a father of dominance. It led Emily to believe that she needed a man to survive. The question is, how many daughters like Emily and fathers exist today?