Respuesta :

Dear _______,

  I understand that while you may not be too inclined to use your resources to buy more current, relevant, popular, or even grammatically correct books for your bookstore, because you believe that there are higher priorities seeking your attention much more, but your bookstore has begun stocking only books that are _______ [ list cons ], and for a shop that should specialize in literature, this is not acceptable. Please replace or add new books to your collection, books that are ______[list what you want] -- we have children in our community, children who might grow up reading these books and not develop the minds, the imagination, that they could have had. What's more, if some of your books are in any way discriminating against something or someone, they might grow up with the wrong morals and ideas! Please do something about this issue, or I may have to take this up with the ______ board, the mayor, or a supervisor [you can delete this if it doesn't apply].

Many thanks,

_______(Your Name)