Abigail is a sixth grade student who has never been in trouble before, but she just got caught scratching graffiti onto a bench at the playground. She doesn´t know why she did something that she knew was wrong, but you have an idea!

Her Risk and Reward Workers may be the problem.

Write a letter to Abigail that shows her what happens with the Boss Brain, Reward Workers, and Risk Workers during middle and high school. Write at least five complete sentences.

Respuesta :


she needs to listen to the voice in her head that says to not do it

here is the letter

dear abigail, you really need to listen to that voice inside your head. You will get in more trouble when you know it is wrong. When you want to do something like that, always ask before you do that.

sincerely, unknown


Dear Abigail,
I know listening to your initial thoughts can be difficult at times, but it is a great skill to learn. Knowing what’s right and what’s wrong and doing the right thing can keep you out of loads of trouble. Try to remember the Boss Brain, Reward Workers, and Risk Workers when trying to decide whether you should or should not do something. Listen to yourself and only do things that are in your own best interest.
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