Discuss the following question. Would you recommend living in a city or living in the desert?

Include information about:

● the similarities and differences

● the reasons one place is better than the other

Write at least 80 words in paragraphs.

Respuesta :

We can discuss the questions of whether to recommend living in a city or in the desert in the following manner:

  • I would certainly recommend living in a city over living in the desert.

  • Life is difficult in both places. You must work hard to survive in the city as well as in the desert.

  • If you don't have the resources to take care of yourself, both places will be ruthless to you. And both are dangerous as well - you can get killed in the city just like in the desert.

  • However, life is way more comfortable in the city. In the desert, the sun is scorching throughout the day, but the temperatures fall drastically at night. In the city, you can adjust the temperature inside houses and buildings.

  • You don't have to go look for water and food in the city - as long as you have a job and money, of course. You can open a tap at home or go to the market on the corner and get the things you need to survive.

  • Finally, in the city we have the perks of technology: electricity, internet, vehicles, etc. We can move, cook, and work faster.

  • You can accomplish more in a day than you would in the desert, where you would spend all your time struggling to find food, water, and shelter.

  • All in all, living in the city is better than living in the desert.

- This type of writing asks for a compare-and-contrast structure.

- First, you present the similarities between the two places (compare)

- Then, you move on to the differences between them (contrast).

- You conclude by restating your initial claim or opinion.

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