Elijah. [Stopping her.] Wait. Shouldn’t we try to find the owner?
Amber. Come on, you can’t be serious. Even a goody two-shoes like you can’t pass up this opportunity. Live a little, E. J.
Elijah. [Speaking quietly and turning red.] But it’s not ours.
Amber. [Emphatically.] Since when does that make a difference?
Elijah. [His eyes light up.] Hey, remember when you lost your ring in gym class and you were sure you saw Kayla wearing it, but you couldn’t prove it was yours?
Amber. Yeah.
Elijah. [Gaining confidence.] Well, you would have wanted her to turn it in, right?
Amber. [Sighing.] You’re right. Let’s go turn it in.
How does Amber change?
She considers Elijah’s point of view but decides to stick up for what she believes.
She reflects on how she felt in a similar situation and decides to return the wallet.
She understands that she can go to the movies and also return the wallet.