Respuesta :
4.Why does the American stop in the station barroom to have another Anis, to which “Jig” has voiced what seems to be an objection? What evidence do you find in the dialogue about the relationship between the American and “Jig” before the story has opened? Explain Hemingway’s use of irony in Jig’s speeches after paragraph 53. How do the speeches of Jig and the American let you know about their attitudes toward the future of their relationship? How does Jig seem to be growing psychologically as the story unfolds? How believable is her final statement, that she “feels fine”?That they were happy and moved from city to city. She seems to understand that her relationship with the American has effectively ended. She knows that even if she has the operation, their relationship won’t return to how it used to be. How does this use of symbolism provide us insight into the thoughts/feelings of both the man and woman?
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