
What paradox of social injustice is presented in these lines from Countee Cullen's “From the Dark Tower”? We shall not always plant while others reap The golden increment of bursting fruit, Not always countenance, abject and mute That lesser men should hold their brothers cheap; a. The hearing and speaking impaired are routinely victimized by others in American society. b .Degrading someone ultimately causes a person to become inferior to those they believe to be subordinate. C . The natural system of justice is unbiased, and all people are given equal opportunity to grow and flourish. D.Those who enforce racial segregation are typically isolated groups in society.

Respuesta :

B Degrading someone ultimately causes a person to become inferior to those they believe to be  subordinate.


b . Degrading someone ultimately causes a person to become inferior to those they believe to be subordinate


In this excerpt, Cullen is referring to the men who plant but do not reap the fruits of these plantations because these fruits were harvested by other men who degrade the men who planted these plants. But by degrading the men who planted the plants, the men who reaped the fruits also degrade themselves. And this generates a paradox, which consists in affirming that men in degradation cause a person to become inferior to those who have degraded.