Respuesta :
A third figure of speech Twain uses to good effect is personification. When you represent a thing, quality, or idea as if it were a human person, you are using personification. Familiar examples are Mother Nature, Jack Frost, and Uncle Sam. This story contains good examples of personification in the description of Andrew Jackson, the dog, and Dan'l Webster, the frog. Both are given some human qualities. List one example from the descriptions of these animals that shows them to be human, at least in Simon Wheeler's opinion.
When you say blockaded, it means the pathway is being blocked or their is a barrier wherein passage is denied.
In the above question, Wheeler's movements can be compared to a wall or cell where the person is trapped with no way of being free unless said blockade is removed.
In the above question, Wheeler's movements can be compared to a wall or cell where the person is trapped with no way of being free unless said blockade is removed.