ANYONE know ..abt the poem Dulce Et Decorum Est: Horace’s Ode .

While Horace does not rely on similes to the extent that Owen does, he does employ metaphors, both simple and extended. List two examples:

List two examples of personification:

List three examples of imagery:

List one other feature of Horace’s language that you find interesting:

Speaker- what do you know about him/her? and the Evidence from the text:

Tone- what is the speaker’s tone?And give me evidence from the text:

Who is the intended audience? What is the occasion? and give me Evidence from the text:

What is the purpose? And give me Evidence from the text:

Respuesta :

provoke the lion that’s dangerous to touch,
the fragile boat: often careless Jupiter

Yet death chases after the soldier who runs,
Virtue, that opens the heavens for those who

Yet death chases after the soldier who runs
and the bloodied earth, on ascending wings.

Tone: Honest and slightly harsh.

Audience: The kids at school learning about war.

Purpose: To show the genuine and harsh truth about war
Hello there.

ANYONE know ..abt the poem Dulce Et Decorum Est: Horace’s Ode .

Purpose: To show the genuine and harsh truth about war