Match each term with its definition.

1. word derivation inflection
2. gaining a negative connotation affix
3. narrowing in meaning declension
4. gaining a positive connotation generalization
5. verb inflections pejoration
6. ending denoting grammatical function etymology
7. broadening in meaning syntax
8. relations of sentence parts specialization
9. noun inflections conjugation
10. morpheme added to a base amelioration

Respuesta :

The terms matched with the correction definitions are listed below. 

1.) Inflection- ending denoting grammatical function
2.) Affix- morpheme added to a base
3.) declension- noun inflections
4.) generalization-broadening a meaning
5.) pejoration- gaining a negative meaning
6.) etymology-word derivation
7.) syntax- relations to sentence parts
8.) conjugation- verb inflections
9.) specialization-narrowing in meaning
10.) amelioration -gaining a positive connotation


Correct matches below.


Etymology - word derivation

Inflection - ending denoting grammatical function

Affix - morpheme added to a base

Declension - noun inflections

Conjugation - verb inflections

Pejoration - gaining a negative meaning / connotation

Amelioration - gaining a positive meaning / connotation

Syntax - relations of sentence parts

Generalization - broadening in meaning

Specialization - narrowing in meaning

Hope this helps.