Respuesta :

whenever you take natural resources from the ground it damages certain geological areas


Among the main impacts that mining can cause are: the destruction of the earth's crust, the contamination of the waters, the impact on the flora and fauna of the environment close to mining and the negative effects on the human health of the populations close to the mine (although sometimes these effects may extend further).


At present, the environmental impacts generated by mining on the environment are being debated at different levels and social areas. Over the years there have been various environmental disasters associated with this economic sector, normally caused by the bad practices carried out during this activity.

A clear example of this is open pit mining, the high environmental impact rests on the essence of its activity, which is based on the removal, in the open, of significant amounts of soil and subsoil that are then processed to extract the mineral. In many cases, the earth removed is excessively superior to what is ended up being extracted. In addition to the harmful effects that these stages trigger, another fact that aggravates the situation of this mining is the implementation of high amounts of cyanide in order to recover the gold from the rest of the material removed.