Lab: Rate of Chemical Reaction

Section I: Experimental Overview
1. What is the question that you are trying to answer?

2. What is your hypothesis for this experiment?

3. What methods are you using to test this hypothesis?
Outline the steps of the procedure in full sentences.

Section II: Data & Analysis
4. What graphs would clearly represent the trends in your data?
Your Student Guide includes information on which graphs to construct. Each graph should have the following:
a. an appropriate title
b. appropriate labels for each axis
c. an appropriate scale for each axis
d. the correct units for the data

Complete a rough sketch of each graph.

5. What do the data in your graphs tell you?
Explain in one or two sentences what trend the reader should observe in each of your graphs.

Section III: Conclusions
6. What do the data tell you about your hypothesis?
State how your hypothesis is either supported OR refuted by the data.

7. How do the data support your claim above?
Explain your statement above. Be sure to refer to specific pieces of data from your experiment that support your argument.

8. If you could repeat the experiment and make it better, what would you do differently and why?
There are always ways that experiments can be improved. Now that you are a veteran of this experiment and have experience with the procedure, offer some advice to the next scientist about what you suggest and why.