Note: 1 watt * 1000 hrs = 1 kWh
1 watts * 10,000 hrs = 10 kWh
Incandescent for 1000 hrs
Original cost = .51
Usage = 122 W * .06 = 7.32
Total cost for 1000 hrs 7.32 + .51 = 7.83
Total cost for 10,000 = 78.3
CFL Bulb for 10,000 hrs
Original cost = 5.88
Usage = 18 * .06 / kWh * 10 kWh = 10.8
Total cost = 5.88 + 10.8 = 16.68
Gives a total savings of 78.3 - 16.68 = 61.62
Another way of looking at this:
Note: the cost of electricity for the incandescent bulb is:
122 W * 1000 hr * .06 / kWh = 122 kWh * 06 = 7.32 for each KWh
That is 73.2 for 10 kWh and 5.1 for bulb cost = 78.3
The CFL bulb uses in 10,000 hrs
18 kWh * 10 * .06 = 10.8 cost of electricity
bulb cost = 5.88 for a total cost of 16.68