Kate is working on a project in her tech education class. She plans to assemble a fan motor. Which form of energy does the motor convert most of its electric energy into?

Respuesta :

Motor convert most of its electric energy into mechanical energy. Electric motors make mechanical energy through the interaction between magnetic fields.  

Take two magnets and attempt to push their North poles together.  There will be a repulsive force that resists this motion.  Move one North pole near the other magnet's South pole.  There will be an attractive force that pulls them together.


Motor converts electrical energy into mechanical energy.


Motor is  a device which is used to perform mechanical work . its working principle depends  on electromagnetism.

A power source is connected to a rectangular coil of wire which is placed in between the poles of a powerful magnet. This creates the necessary electromagnetic  force . The turning effect provided by this force, which is called torque is always proportional to the strength of the magnetic field.

In motors there exist two different types. One is A.C. (alternating current) motor and another is D C ( direct current) motor. The main contrast between these two is an alternating current source  provides the current in AC motor. A battery provides the current for a DC motor.