Which of the following types of radiation can penetrate through paper but not through wood?

Alpha rays

Beta rays

Gamma rays

Proton rays

Respuesta :

The type of radiation that can penetrate through paper, but not through wood is called beta rays. Beta rays can penetrate paper and air, but a thin piece of alimony can stop it. Gamma can cut through anything except lead and many inches of concrete. Alpha can be stopped by paper and not penetrated. The correct answer is B.


Beta rays


as we know that as per energy we can say that maximum energy is for gamma rays and minimum energy is for alpha rays

so here alpha rays are of least energy and it can not penetrate through the paper

while gamma rays are of maximum energy which is due to transitions in nuclear level so it can penetrate through any thickness

So here we have to choose which can penetrate through paper but can not penetrate through wood

so it is of moderate energy

So this must be Beta rays