Definitely not. Assimilation tried to “Americanize” Native Americans through religion, education (with unrealistic expectations), and the forced abandonment of tribal customs and ceremonies, thus supposedly making the Native Americans learn US culture s and values which supposedly would help the indigenous people to put tribal tradition and American culture together and peacefully join the bulk of society. But in the late 19th century, the federal government outlawed practice of Native religious ceremonies and established Native American boarding schools native children were forced to attend. Forced to speak English, attend church and abandon their tribal traditions, the government attempted to brainwash the natives of their traditional ways of life and their culture and heritage. The Dawes Act of 1887, which allotted tribal lands in severalty to individuals, was seen as a way to create individual homesteads for Native Americans. They gave land allotments made in exchange for Native Americans becoming US citizens and giving up some forms of tribal self-government and institutions. This resulted in 93 million acres being taken from Native American control. Most was sold to individuals or given out free through the Homestead law. Assimilation was an operation that eventually all but destroyed the traditional Native American way of life and eventually led to the birth of Indian reservations.