Can someone please type a full summary of the book --> Goat Days | Benyamin

Who can also show me where to download it for free...Thanks

Respuesta :

I dont know where to download it but here is the summary

The book is divided into four parts (Prison, Desert, Escape and Refuge).

Najeeb Muhammad, the protagonist of the novel, a young man from somewhere near Haripad, Kerala state, is newly married and dreams of a better work in any of the Persian Gulf states. However, at the King Khalid International Airport, he gets trapped and is taken away by a rich Arab animal farm supervisor to his farm. He is being used as a "slave" laborer and shepherd and is assigned to look after goats, sheep and camels for almost three and half years in the remote deserts of Saudi Arabia. He is forced to do backbreaking work, is kept half-hungry and is denied water to wash and suffers unimaginably. The farm's brutal supervisor keeps Najeeb in control with a gun and binoculars and frequently beats him with a belt.

In a country where he does not know the language, places or people, he is far away from any human interaction. Najeeb steadily starts to identify himself with the goats. He considers himself as one of them. His dreams, desires, avenges and hopes starts to become one with them. He talks to them, eats with them, sleeps with them and virtually lives the life of a goat. Still he keeps a ray of hope which will bring freedom and end to his sufferings someday.

Finally one night with the help of Ibrahim Khadiri, a Somalian worker in the neighbouring farm, Najeeb Muhammed and his friend Hakeem elopes from the horrible life to freedom. But, the trio fumbles across the desert for days, and young Hakeem dies of thirst and fatigue. Finally, Ibrahim Khadiri and Najeeb manage to find their way to Al-Bathaa, Riyadh, where Najeeb gets himself arrested by the Regular Police in order to get deported to India. Najeeb spends several months in the Sumesi Prison before being put on a plane to India by the Saudi Arabian authorities.