1-true or false:only the Dutch were welcomed in new Amsterdam.if false,explain why it’s false.

2-explain the diversity in population of the new Netherland colony.

3-analyze the colony’s diversity and explain how it should have affected the Dutch losing the colony to the English.

4-explain the transition of new Netherland to an English colony.

Respuesta :



1.) False

2.)New Netherland developed into a culturally diverse and politically robust settlement. This diversity was fostered by Dutch respect for freedom of conscience. Furthermore, under Dutch rule, women enjoyed legal, civil, and economic rights denied their British counterparts in New England and Virginia.

3.) New Netherland failed to attract many Dutch colonists; by 1664, only nine thousand people were living there. Conflict with native peoples, as well as dissatisfaction with the Dutch West India Company's trading practices, made the Dutch outpost an undesirable place for many migrants.

4.) In 1664, the English sent a fleet to seize New Netherlands, which surrendered without a fight. The English renamed the colony New York, after James, the Duke of York, who had received a charter to the territory from his brother King Charles II.Even after New Netherland became an English possession, Dutch settlers remained, and life in the colony did not much change. It remained distinctively Dutch. Decades after the English seizure, many settlers continued to speak the Dutch language and to live as they had in the past.


1.) The colony was proving quite profitable, New Amsterdam had developed into a port town of 1500 citizens, and the incredibly diverse population (only 50 percent were actually Dutch colonists) of the colony had grown from 2,000 in 1655 to almost 9,000 in 1664.

Universidad de Mexico