Exploring the Essential Question
Making Connections Imagine that you are a detective on the police force in your city. Your
supervisors believe that a local shipping and delivery business is really a front for moving and selling
drugs in your state and beyond. They think that the business receives large shipments of illegal
drugs disguised as car parts. It then distributes them around town using a fleet of delivery trucks.
As an investigator, what would you want to examine to learn more about this case and gather
evidence? Make a list of the places you would want to look, records you would want to see, and
evidence you might look for. How might your investigation violate the privacy of people associated
with the shipping and delivery business?

Respuesta :

Answer: send an undercover officer in, tap the phones


The first thing you want to do is gather physical evidence, buy a used car part and see if there are drugs inside. You also wanna stake out their shop and observe their movements and if you see any make sure you get it on video and put it in your report. Also go through their trash and try to find physical evidence. send in an wired undercover officer, and tap their phones and try to catch any suspicious phone calls. Once you have done all of these things. type up a warrant and get it signed by a judge.