Respuesta :

The right rear tire blows out just north of Atlanta. What steps should you take after the blowout? List 4 to 6 steps.

1. Pull off on the side of the road.

This will keep you away from traffic and it’ll make it safer to change your tire. If you’re not able to pull over to the side immediately, it’s alright if you cannot. Try pulling over some where safe. Be careful when getting over because you have a tire that’s not properly working.

2. Turn your hazards on after pulling over.

It is important to turn on your hazards after pulling over because it’ll inform other drivers that you are experiencing an emergency situation. It better to wait until you pulled off to the side of the road to turn on your hazards.

3. Change the tire or call for assistance.

If you are able to change the tire yourself or know how to do it safely go right ahead. If you don’t know how to change a tire call for assistance. You can call for a tow truck or AAA for road side assistance to assist you. If you are waiting for help, make sure to stand a safe distance from the road.

4. Remain calm and don’t panic.

When your tire blows out remain calm as possible and follow procedures.