Colony Collapse Disorder

In 2006, beekeepers throughout the United States began to notice something new—and troubling. Adult honeybees, known as worker bees, were disappearing from their hives, seemingly abandoning them. Few or no dead bees were found in the hives. The queen and larvae were alive and well. However, the swarm of worker bees that usually attended them to keep them alive were gone. What had happened?

The event became so widespread that it soon received a name, Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD). There was no denying that CCD was a problem. After all, American farmers depend on the work of honeybees and other pollinators. At least three-quarters of the crops grown in the United States depend on honeybee pollination for their survival. These include such crops as strawberries, blueberries, apples, broccoli, asparagus, and almonds. Without them, both farmers and anyone who enjoys fresh fruits and vegetables will suffer.

But what is causing this problem? Scientists have thoroughly studied a variety of possible causes, ranging from genetically modified crops to climate change to cell phone towers. Sadly, nothing has shown to be the cause of the problem. The most likely culprits are disease-causing organisms. These have been found in larger numbers in colonies affected by CCD than in unaffected colonies. But these organisms have included various viruses and bacteria. Some were found in greater amounts in different parts of the country. If CCD is caused by a single disease, identifying that disease will be difficult.

The CCD outbreak is most likely the result of multiple causes—disease, poor diet, pesticides, lack of genetic diversity, and habitat loss. Efforts to prevent colony loss have been mildly successful. The number lost has declined each year since 2008. But until a solution to this problem is found, CCD will remain a concern that will threaten the future of bees. It will also affect the people who rely on the food that they help produce.

Question 1
Part A

Which inference can be made about the cause of CCD in “Colony Collapse Disorder”?

It affects bees most seriously but threatens other pollinators also.

It is a threat that needs to be identified as soon as possible.

It will impact humans and affect their health in the future.

It is very complex and will be challenging to overcome.
Question 2
Part B

Which statement from "Colony Collapse Disorder" best supports the answer in Part A?

“Scientists thoroughly studied a variety of possible causes, ranging from genetically modified crops to climate change to cell phone towers.”

“The CCD outbreak is most likely the result of multiple causes—diseases, poor nutrition, pesticides, lack of genetic diversity, and habitat loss.”

“Without [honeybees], both farmers and anyone who enjoys fresh fruits and vegetables will suffer.”

“The most likely culprits are disease-causing organisms.”