
Write a 8-10 sentence paragraph responding to the following. Be sure to
include cited evidence with thorough elaboration. Use correct grammar and
punctuation. You will be graded on your use of Evidence & Elaboration as
well as your punctuation according to the FSA ELA Writing Rubric. (
Respond to the following: One of the themes in The Legend of Sleepy
Hollow is Greed and Gluttony. How did Ichabod's gluttonous appetite
become the ruin of him? Why was Brom Bones successful in running him
out of town?

Respuesta :

It's the gluttonous appetite that makes Ichabod go to the party at Katrina's house and find the Headless Knight on his way out of the party. Brom Bones had succeeded in driving him out of town, making jokes about the way he ate, which may have made him uneasy.

When we read "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" we have access to the following information:

  • Ichabod is a teacher and is in Sleepy Hollow giving vocal lessons.
  • He likes to eat a lot and visits all the neighbors to get a lot of food. Among these houses, Katrina's father's farm has the most abundance of food.
  • One day, Katrina's father decides to throw a party on the farm and Ichabod gets excited because, in addition to eating a lot, he will be able to flirt with Katrina, who was very beautiful.
  • Meanwhile, another Katrina admirer, Brom Bones is also at the party and makes several jokes about the way Ichabod eats.

During the party, Ichabod decides to leave early and although the author of the story has not given the reason, we can infer that he had abdominal discomfort, due to how much he ate.

As he leaves the party, he meets the Headless Knight and is so scared that he falls and disappears.

The author also does not show what happened to him, but it is believed that he left town, embarrassed by Brom Bones' jokes, which could devalue Katrina's view of him.

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