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Why do you think people want to change their name? Maybe it's because they dislike the sound of it. Maybe it's because it's the same name as a biological parent who was never there. Everyone has their own reasonings for changing their name.
The advantages of changing your name is you get to name yourself. Imagine changing your name to "Dark Majesty" for example. You get to have everyone calling you whatever you named yourself. How cool would that be? It could give you a fresh start. If you have a bad past, if you're being stalked, or even if you're just not happy with your name, legally changing your name could be very empowering in several ways.
The disadvantages of changing your name are people will always forget what you changed your name too and will often address you as your birth name. You'd be paying hundreds of dollars, and then if you find you don't like it, you may want to change it back. It's also harder to get your taxes. If you slip up and put your new name rather than the name given to you at birth, it will cause confusion and they will not be able to give you any money until they get the correct information that is already on files.
There are many advantages and disadvantages of changing your name. Even though you may like it, it will still, as anything else life changing, be difficult to adjust to. At the same time, you get to give yourself whatever name you'd like too. Would you change your name?