Answers : Number One is C and Number Two is B.
Here is the reason why :
The first answer from me is correct because, at the end the narrator says that search engines can do many functions like voice-search, image-search etc. But he/she didn't mention all functions of a search engine or functions and abilities future search engines might have. So the answer is C.
Second might be hard, because it asks what type of passage it is. Many stories have sad, happy, normal, exciting etc. that makes readers feel like the writer had taken them to a different world where they can imagine all the events there. So in a same way, the the last para shows mostly promising to others, but it isn't really. For example, see this :
To treat technology as a threat would halt progress. As a promise, it makes tomorrow look a lot brighter.
You see, I used this (upper quote) to show what a promising note is. So for the answer, neither it is A because it is talking as if the narrator is saying like a sage, but it isn't right, fully. So, nor C and D would fit. The Only correct answer is B.