Step 1: Plan to memorize and recite a poem.
a) Choose a poem that appeals to you.
b) Read the poem all the way through.
c) Determine the meaning and pronunciation of each word used in the poem. Consult a dictionary
or ask your teacher for help finding additional resources.
d) Summarize the the central ideas of the poem and determine the poem’s mood. Your
understanding of the poem will affect your speaking style.
Step 2: Memorize a poem.
a) Choose the strategy you will use to memorize the poem. Common methods including, reading
aloud, writing it out, breaking it into small chunks, or listening to an audio recording.
b) Use your chosen strategy to practice until you learn the entire poem.
c) Analyze the structure of the poem to help you decide where to include pauses and how to pace
yourself. Punctuation and the placement of lines and stanzas are also important to include in
your memorization so you know when to speed up, slow down and when to stop to breathe.
d) Make sure you have memorized both the words and the pacing of the poem and can recite the
whole poem from memory.