Why is it in an absolute ruler's best interests to keep their population as uneducated as possible? Explain.
Execution of Charles I Video
5. Why was the execution of Charles I important to World History?
Democracy Review Questions
1. Which philosopher supported the idea of Democracy? Why? (Think about his thoughts on human nature)
2. How do the ideas of democracy challenge absolutism? Discuss how the following challenge absolutism:
A. Elections
B. Freedom of Speech and Press
C. Freedom of Religion
D. Natural Rights
E. Constitution
F. Separation of Powers
G. Citizen Representation
H. Separation of Church and State
3. How did the Printing Press change the voice of citizens forever?
4. How might a democracy lead to absolutism?
Meeting the Wizard of Oz
5. What are some methods of control that the Wizard of Oz is using in this clip? What is his goal of this portrayal?
6. How might this also compare to an absolute ruler or an authoritarian dictator?