Respuesta :


Playing video games has become one of the largest leisure activities in the world. This study examines the

effects video games have on college students, their grade point averages, time management, and study

habits. Existing literature has linked video game usage as being negatively correlated with each of these

three variables. This research, using a sample of the undergraduate student population at a private

university in northeast Ohio, found a statistically significant correlation between video game usage and

grade point average. Statistically significant relationships were not found between video game usage and

the variables of time management skills or study habits. It is important that college students are aware of

these possible negative effects of video game usage on their academic performance. This research can

serve as a foundation for future research on the impact of video game playing and student performance.

Keywords: Videogames, GPA, Study Habits, Time Management Skills, Student Performance


The video game industry has flourished to become the world’s largest entertainment medium [14]. The

industry posted an estimated $34.2 billion in revenue in 2012, and revenue is expected to grow at an

average of 5.5% over the next five years [8]. The advancements in technology have led to video games that

are increasingly complex, immersive, engaging, and enabling of a wide range of activities, goals, and social

behavior [14]. It is now difficult to find a household in the United States that does not have some sort of

video game system, whether it is from common video game consoles or pc-based computer games. Due to

the engaging nature of video games, users often find them to be a common part of their normal leisure

activities, and spend considerable amounts of time playing them. U.S. gamers are now playing video games

an average of 8 hours a week and this number is steadily rising [17].

Purpose Statement

The primary purpose of this research is to explore the correlation of video games with college-age student

grade point average (GPA). Additionally, it aims to discover the relationship between video games, time

management skills, and study habits. Existing research [1, 3, 5, 7, 10, 11, 15 & 16] attempts to look into the

relationship between video game usage and school performance, but the majority of research focuses on

adolescents under the age of 18, primarily elementary-age students. This research will focus on measuring

the impact of video game usage and college students’ performance in the classroom, study habits and the

time management skills.

Target Demographic

College-age students are the primary target demographic of this research. They are a group that needs to be

studied when discussing video games because they constitute large demographic of video game users. This

comes in large part because the majority of students are independent and out from under parental

supervision for the first time [1, 4]. Video games can be played in part to reduce stress that comes with

college and its requirements. They are also sometimes used to shirk the responsibilities of studying for

exams and other coursework. And yet, studying for courses, passing exams, and completing assignments

are necessary for degree completion. A report by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and

Development [13] states that “the job market in the U.S. is particularly difficult for those without a college

degree” (p. 5). It is important that students that attend college make the most out of their time in school,

acquire a useful skill set, and graduate with knowledge and proficiency in their chosen major that will h


Hopefully this answered your question!!