Respuesta :
YOUR research question is …
(Example: What will be the effect of changing ............on………?/How will changing........ affect ............? OR (How does the (IV) affect the DV?
Independent variable
(what you are changing in the experiment)
the type of liquids: example water or oil.
( cm3 )
Dependent variable
(what you are measuring in the experiment)
This is what changes BECAUSE you changed the independent variable
The density of liquids
I will measure it using:
Grams and a scale.
Controlled variables
(What you will keep the SAME to have a fair test) How to control the variables?
(I will keep it the same by….) How they affect the data?
Same volume of liquid I will keep it the same by putting the same amount of liquid for the experiment. It will effect it but giving us an inaccurate results.
Measuring cylinder I will keep it the same by using the same measuring cylinder for each time I do the experiment. It will effect it by maybe putting in different measurements
Unit of measurement I will keep it the same by using the measurement tools and putting it in the same setting to avoid confusions It will effect it by lots if confusion and non similar measurments.
(What you think will happen. Use the words increase/decrease)
(If …………increases, then ……………..will increase/decrease)
The liquids that weigh more (a higher density) will sink below the liquids that weigh less (a lower density). My scientific reasons for thinking this are because I think that thicker liquids have molecules that are closer to each other than thinner liquids.
(reference according to MLA)
(Make a list of all the equipment or apparatus that you will need)
(Don’t forget to put the size, quantity & volume of the equipment you will need)
Equipment Size/Quantity/
Volume Drawing Unit of measurement Absolute
Measuring cylinder 2 Cm3
Oil 10 ml
Scale 1
Water 10ml
(This is your method, explain what you will do)
(Use simple and clear instructions)
1. Prepare all materials and equipment needed for the experiment.
2.Measure the measuring cylinder
3. pour water to the measuring cylinder
4.put the measuring cylinder on top of the scale.
5. write down the weight of the water.
6.pour the oil into the measuring cylinder and repeat
7. after recording the weight of both of the liquids, we compare and repeat for a more accurate and precise measurement.
Title: Discover the density of liquids
The liquids
Mass of the cylinder Mass of cylinder + liquid grams Mass of liquid grams Density grams/ cm3
1 oil
62.29 72.54 10.25 1.025
water 62.29 72.83 10.54 1.054
Show your calculations here
This experiment was about discovering the density of different liquids.
My hypothesis was” The liquids that weigh more (a higher density) will sink below the liquids that weigh less (a lower density). My scientific reasons for thinking this are because I think that thicker liquids have molecules that are closer to each other than thinner liquids.
My hypothesis was proved because the graph/results shows that the water is more dense.
I think this happens because (Explain your results using what you know about science. You may use books or internet. Include scientific language and diagrams to explain your conclusion) Some substances are made up of a large number of molecules. Only water molecules are attracted to one other Water molecules. The only thing that attracts oil molecules is other oil molecules. Because water is denser (heavier) than oil, they cannot combine.
Weaknesses in the method Realistic improvement
-To do more trials for more accurate results - That we focused on making sure to check the measurements with eye level.
This investigation has made me think of a new question, which is “why are oil less dense than water but oil is thicker”.
❏ I could test this by putting oil above water to see if its gonna float or not.