According to the text(Beowulf), what feelings likely drove the original owner of the treasure hoard to bury it? How
does the explanation reflect Christian values?

Respuesta :

The feelings that must have driven the original owner of the treasure hoard, who was a sole survivor of a finished race, to hide the treasure was doubt about its usefulness to him, and he had nobody to bequeath it to.

  • The treasure hoard was then left for anybody who could courageously discover and recover it from the dragon's cave.  When the dragon found it, it guarded the treasure for so many years before it was recovered by heroic Beowulf.

  • Based on Christian values, the treasure hoard should have been distributed to the needy of another race before the last survivor of the race died or donated to a charitable organization in the other race instead of burying it.

Thus, burying the treasure hoard instead of distributing it to charity does not reflect Christian values.

Read more interesting facts about the treasure hoard in Homer's Beowulf at