copyable code
#text adventure game
#define a list itembag with 1 item
itembag = ["healthpotion"]
#add 3 more items to bag
typedWord = input("Type a word here: ") #prompt user to type a word
if typedWord == "item": #if typed word is item
print("Items in bag are: ",itembag) #display itembag
weapons = ["sword","leather armor"] #define weapons list with 2 default weapons
moveToARoom = input("Move to a room? Y/N:") #ask user move to room question
if moveToARoom == "Y":#based on the answer Y
print("Found a new sword - The 'SteelSword'!")
#replace sword with steelsword in weapons
for index,weapon in enumerate(weapons):
if weapon == "sword":
weapons[index] = "steelsword"
#end if
#end for loop
print("Weapons are:",weapons)#print weapons
code screenshot