1. Create a list called item bag, and have it contain one element called “healthpotion”, and add three other items of your choosing using the append function. Do this so that you have at least 4 elements in that list.
2. Display all items/elements in the itembag

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#text adventure game

#define a list itembag with 1 item

itembag = ["healthpotion"]

#add 3 more items to bag




typedWord = input("Type a word here: ") #prompt user to type a word

if typedWord == "item": #if typed word is item

print("Items in bag are: ",itembag) #display itembag

weapons = ["sword","leather armor"] #define weapons list with 2 default weapons

moveToARoom = input("Move to a room? Y/N:") #ask user move to room question

if moveToARoom == "Y":#based on the answer Y

print("Found a new sword - The 'SteelSword'!")


#replace sword with steelsword in weapons

for index,weapon in enumerate(weapons):

  if weapon == "sword":

  weapons[index] = "steelsword"

  #end if

  #end for loop

print("Weapons are:",weapons)#print weapons


code screenshot


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