
Researchers like Paul Ekman believe that we are born with a certain set of emotions and the facial expressions that accompany
them. One of the implications of this research is:

A. that we should be able to go anywhere in the world and be able to identify a certain set of basic emotions from an individual's facial

B. that even if there are similar facial expressions for some basic emotions, display rules can dictate when, where, and how these emotions can
actually be expressed

C. that to experience an emotion, we have bodily changes first, and our experience of these changes is the emotion

D. that while the same external stimulus (e.g., a bull charging us) will cause bodily changes, different people may experience different emotions
depending upon how they interpret the bodily changes

E. both "a" and "b" are correct here

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Can you read the universal language? Find out for yourself by guessing which emotion is being expressed in each of the four photographs below, taken during Dr. Ekman's groundbreaking studies in New Guinea.

The New Guinea man featured below was living in an isolated, preliterate culture using stone implements which had never seen any outsiders before. Dr. Paul Ekman asked him to show what his face would look like if: (1) Friends had come. (2) His child had just died. (3) He was about to fight. (4) He stepped on a smelly dead pig.
